Thursday, 16 July 2009

Supporting Scholarship in Medical Education: The Role of Social Media and Networks

Supporting Scholarship in Medical Education: The Role of Social Media and Networks

This is the presentation I am shortly going to give at #asme09.
I will make more notes soon and update on feedback.


  1. What does ASME stand for (just the letters not the philosophy)?

  2. ASME Association for study of medical education - sorry put in the slideshare detail but left out of post:(

  3. Your blog has an interesting name, with interesting topic of interest. I'm also interested in medical education, although not merely in technology related issues. If you do not mind, I'd like to introduce you to an MD living in Belgium. He has a project to educate physicians using PDA.

  4. This blod tries to do too much.. You're better off getting a great basic science gem like "How to study in medical school" to help you conquer the basic sciences.

  5. I agree with you on this point that Social Media and Networking sites play very important role in Supporting Scholarship in Medical Education!
    Medical Education Advice


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