Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Edublog awards 2009

My nominations for the Edublog awards 2009 are:

Best individual blog : Science of the Invisible
Best new blog : Dundee Chest
Best teacher blog : Dundee Chest 
Best librarian / library blog: Laika's MedLibLog
Best educational use of a social networking service ELESIG Ning

I'm sorry that I am not writing why I am nominating these (because it is later!) but if you have a look, it will be self-evident! A special mention has to go to Dundee Chest which is an outstanding example of going beyond the walls of the VLE to connect with medical students and the world.

UPDATE: I checked yesterday to see if my nominations had made the final list. It looked like they hadn't. And then I realised that I hadn't followed correct procedure by emailing in the nomination as well as just linking. Sorry to the great people I nominated. Next year!


  1. You really are too kind.

    Here's to a fantastic 2010! And future collaboration.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is already a great award in itself to be mentioned on your shortlist. Thanks.


  4. Hope so, That the year 2010 would be the fantastic.

    community college


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