Saturday, 5 November 2011

On being public : How social media reshapes professional identity.

This was my presentation at ALT-C (conference of the Association for Learning Technology) earlier this year. It sums up in 20 minutes a lot of the thoughts and ideas that are covered in this blog. But of course it raises more questions than answers- I hope!


  1. "Web 2.o Skeptic" -I think not!!
    Twitter just a tool; importance of NETWORKS -struck a cord with me.
    Good talk, thanks.

  2. Brilliant! You really made me think about professionalism in a slightly different way. I'm planning on sharing this with my professionalism committee. And thanks for the mention LOL

  3. Ironically, I probably need to state my identities for this comment to make sense. I am in a shared Communications team between a Council and a NHS Trust. I am a prolific Tweeter and blogger (I have 3). I write columns for a mountain biking magazine, on tech for HP & Postdesk, on local gov sometimes for the Guardian.

    I'm not a journalist, I am a pro blogger? I am a Digital Engagement Advisor and that means tech and social media an digital tools.

    I don't have a 'badge' like Doctor to self identify with. I am in a new post, with a new job title, in a brave new world. I am not a journalist, I simply wrote and some people noticed on Twitter and asked me to write for them.

    What I am trying to say, is thank you for helping me to understand that I skipped socialised, that I am shaping my own identity in lieu of an imposed one and that I am taking responsibility for my own self transforming and sometimes I get it wrong.

    I am a professional. I just don't have a badge that tells me so yet - but that lack does not devalue what I do and know, it simply says I am a little ahead of the curve.

  4. I loved your lecture and more importantly the questions that it generates. My area of interest has been related to understanding the healing mission of healthcare and the church. Here is the blog that explores that area:

  5. Thanks Anne Marie, for sending me this link - and congratulations on seeing and using the power of social media so early. I particularly like the way you look at issues from different perspectives and talk about different "identities" in different situations.

    Asking questions, opening the door to culture change and new ways of thinking... person-centred, appropriate self-management, people having choice but also taking responsibility. Exciting times to be living and working in.
    Best wishes Gill


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