Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Talking about social media and health professionals....

I came across a Guardian  article on how to delete yourself from the internet this evening. That would be quite a task for me. It mentions a search engine,, which does not track internet searches. I decided to check out how good it was by searching for myself. It is good.

Through it I managed to find this video of a conversation between Clare Gerada, chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners (@clarercgp), Stephanie Bown, director of policy, comms and marketing at the Medical Protection Society (@drstephbown), and myself. We were ably chaired by Sharon Alcock, journalist and  founder of Lime Green Media (@LimeandGinger).

The chat took place at an event last year where we were discussing the RCGP and DNUK producing guidance on social media. The final version of the RCGP Social Media Highway Code was published last month.

I had seen this before on the DNUK website but as far as I knew it was not available publicly so I am very pleased to be able to share it with you now. It's quite a lively discussion! Should GPs be discussing patients' underwear on their blog? <- No! Will we be doing consultations via Tweetdeck in the future? <- I doubt it. How will be deal with the digital divide? <- to be decided.

Let me know what you think.

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