Thursday, 27 November 2008

del.ic.ious !

I have to say I am really liking this. It's fascinating to check out the people who tag the same sites as you; especially if there are only a few of you. They might have a blog listed and you learn more. My network is small.... one other person, who intriguingly I don't know. Delicious does not pretend to be many thing but instead does one thing well! Yay!

I'm here.


  1. I've been using Delicious for quite sometime and found it really useful too. Yesterday I was following links between a series of blogs and was reading about diigo and its use in education. Diigo is like delicious but has some additional features such as allowing you to highlight sections of a webpage and also add sticky notes. There's a post on my blog ( further details including a video on reading and sharing the web with Diigo.

  2. Hello Anne Marie

    Thank you so much for popping by my blog - it looks like you and I are working through very similar issues with regards to medical/midwifery education. Let's keep in touch. I love the way you're very honest about what you're doing, which means that others ie me learn from you.

    I have been using Delicious for some time and have just started using it with my students, as you've read on my blog. I shall be interested to see how 'successful' it is compared to me saving web sites in a non-interactive way on BlackBoard.


I am reintroducing word verification to cut back on spam posts. I'm sorry if you find it frustrating,